
Deliver strategic, account-specific experiences at scale.

Explore best practices by maturity stage and click on the tactics to learn more about implementation, outcomes, and value. You'll also find client success stories and additional resources to inspire.


Experimental Stage

“We have a mediocre understanding of our customers’ various buyer journeys and we’re using a few analytics tools to track engagement. How can we get more out of this?”

You are at this stage if you are:

  • Your company has identified the most-popular content we have, and we have a few channels that we know work well.

  • You have already mapped out buyer journey paths to engage prospects.

  • You are tracking prospect data through analytics tools.



Segmenting your audience and map content tracks to your readers based on their available information.



Highlighting your most-popular content on multiple channels, then lead your readers to similar resources or a targeted nurture stream in PathFactory.


Revisiting your content gating strategy to ensure as little friction as possible when consuming content.



Encouraging content bingeing by grouping similar content together, or by leading readers to subsequent pieces of content while on the web page.



Using PathFactory to serve any content access via download to encourage binging at start of nurture making most of first touch.



Understanding which specific assets visitors engaged with and for how long.




Packaging and deliver a curated content track targeted to your ICP.




Replacing current CTAs with PathFactory content tracks and campaigns to drive content consumption.




Measuring and reporting on incremental engagement on curated tracks.




Operational Stage

“We do a great job nurturing and collecting data about our prospects, and we are seeing steady growth in our lead to conversion ratio. What’s next?”

You are at this stage if you are:

  • You have conducted a lead scoring exercise so you know where your most-valuable leads come from.

  • You are seeing an increase in binge rate and time spent on your content for interested buyers.

  • You can attribute revenue to our content marketing strategy.


Adding a CTA button to encourage immediate action (for example, ‘request a demo’, ‘speak with sales’, etc.).



Building content tracks for top/mid/bottom funnel segments depending on buyer journey.



Repurposing and recycling your most-popular content (for example, turn your webinar into a blog post, or your blog post into a social media image.).


Optimize campaigns based on previous performance.




Allowing visitors to choose the topic and type of content they want to engage with (and when).



Testing, tweaking and optimizing campaigns based on performance.



Amplified Stage

"Our nurture strategy is top of the line and already takes a multichannel approach. Our lead to conversion ratio is unbeatable; there’s nothing else we can do to improve here…right?"

You are at this stage if you are:

  • You removed content gates in favor of AI-generated content tracks used to target both known and unknown visitors.

  • You have well stocked your content pools and organized content so it can appear as personalized as possible.

  • You continue to decrease your time to important success metrics like lead to conversion.



Developing multiple content tracks for all major focus areas (for example, by industry, buyer, target account, etc.).


Use Templated Experiences as part of an ABM nurture strategy for top tier accounts.



Creating customer onboarding or adoption tracks.




Accelerating campaign cadences for highly engaged visitors with smart and dynamic campaigns.



Adding real-time sales notifications when a visitor meets the content engagement threshold (also known as a ‘fast-moving buyer alert’).


Automatically reusing, recycling, and reworking most popular assets into new nurture campaigns.